
4/9/2024 - Others

95th anniversary of ATU

5 April 2024 was a special day – ATU celebrated its 95th anniversary!

95 Years ATU

This means almost 100 years full of stories, successes, and moments together. We want to use this milestone to express our truly heart-felt thanks:

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1/12/2024 - Information letters

ATU Charity Foundation PCC

ATU Charity Foundation PCC was established in 2019 by Allgemeines Treuunternehmen (ATU) on the occa-sion of its 90th anniversary.

This structure constitutes an umbrella organization for the pursuit of charitable purposes. As such, it serves patrons who do not wish to set up their own foundation for their charitable giving, but prefer to join an already existing umbrella foundation by means of opening a cell.

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12/6/2023 - Information letters

Charitable foundations under Liechtenstein law

Liechtenstein is increasingly recognised as an excellent philanthropy location

According to a comparison of countries from 2022, Liechtenstein offers the best location worldwide for charitable foundations and philanthropic commitment. This is the result of the Global Philanthropy Environment Index of the University of Indiana in the USA: in a comparison of 91 countries, Liechtenstein takes first place, even before Norway, Switzerland, Germany, and the USA. Accordingly, the popularity of charitable foundations under Liechtenstein law is growing.

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7/5/2023 - Information letters

AIF Funds in Liechtenstein

Structuring Options with Foundations and Trusts

Whereas Liechtenstein was still an agrarian state when the customs treaty with Switzerland was concluded in 1923, today the small principality presents itself as one of the most prosperous economies in the world.

In addition to the steady development of its liberal and attractive company law, Liechtenstein has become a serious market player, especially in the fund sector.

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10/4/2022 - Information letters

Developments in the Liechtenstein financial centre

When reporting on current developments in the Liechtenstein financial centre, the topic probably at the very top of the list is the impact that the war in Ukraine is having on the banking and trust business in Liechtenstein.

On this subject, suffice to say: The Liechtenstein government implements EU sanctions consistently. As many questions have arisen within the banking and trust sector in respect of application of the Regulation on measures related to the situation in Ukraine, the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) has published a list of FAQs and a factsheet on its website, to which reference is made ( Instead, the present report will be focusing on a more upbeat topic, namely Liechtenstein’s performance on the occasion of the fifth audit of Liechtenstein conducted by MONEYVAL. In a further section, new developments in Liechtenstein’s international tax law will be discussed

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7/18/2022 - Information letters

Asset tokenization in a Liechtenstein foundation

From a legal point of view, Liechtenstein private-benefit foundations (Liechtenstein foundations) represent an interesting structure for the safe management of crypto assets with the help of a bank in Liechtenstein.

Liechtenstein is one of the few jurisdictions which have established a legal framework for the treatment of crypto assets (Token and Trustworthy Technology Service Provider Act of 03 October 2019, TVTG), thus creating legal certainty in this area. The requirement is that both the tokens (crypto wallets) and the tokenized assets are deposited in Liechtenstein.

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1/24/2022 - Information letters

Introduction of the public notary's office in Liechtenstein

On 1 January 2020, the Liechtenstein Notaries Act (Notariatsgesetz-NotarG) of 3 October 2019 came into force. Since then, it is therefore possible to practice the profession of a public notary in Liechtenstein as well.

The new law meets the needs of Liechtenstein as a rapidly changing business location and financial center brought about by increasing globalisation. Numerous legal transactions require notarizations or certifications to be internationally recognized. Prior to 2020, these actions had to be carried out by public notaries in neighboring countries such as Austria or Switzerland. As former Justice Minister Aurelia Frick emphasized, this new law has strengthened Liechtenstein's competitiveness in the area of legal and financial services.

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